Wholesale Nursery - Located in Salem Oregon

Richard's (Rick's) Cell Phone - 503-580-3935, Julie's Cell Phone - 503-559-8105

Contact Us

Richard and Julie Hari

7793 Silverton Rd. N.E.
Salem, OR 97305

Richard's (Rick) Cell Phone: 503-580-3935
Julie's Cell Phone: 503-559-8105
Fax: 503-391-0272
Email: [email protected]

Please click on the email link above to contact us. Thank you!

Sales Representatives

McHutchison, Inc.
64 Mountain View Blvd.
Wayne, NJ 07470-6710
Phone:  1-800-943-2230
Fax:  1-973-317-1220
Email:  [email protected]
United States, Canada
To find a sales representative in your area: http://www.mchutchison.com/contact-sales.php

Eason Horticulture Resources, Inc.
939 Helen Ruth Dr.
Fort Wright, KY 41017
Phone:  1-800-214-2221
Fax:  1-859-578-2266
Email:  [email protected] 
Central and Eastern United States
To find a sales representative in your area: http://www.ehrnet.com/

Ron Anton Sales, LLC
81 High Way
Chappaqua, NY 10514

Phone: 914-403-2841
Fax: 914-238-3493
Email:  [email protected]
New York, Connecticut

Tuohy Horticultural Enterprises
Bob Tuohy
P.O. Box 178
Mokena, IL 60448
Phone: 815-806-8785
Fax: 815-806-8786
Email: [email protected]
Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan

Green Goods Direct
P.O. Box 1138
Tuckerton, NJ 08087
Phone: 845-551-2871
Fax: 609-296-4193
Email: [email protected]

New Jersey, New York, PA, Midwest

Weishar & Associates
Frank & Jackie Weishar

1306 Rosenberg Road
London, Ontario N5X 4L1
Phone: 519-661-0553
Fax: 519-660-6136
Email: [email protected]

Ontario, Canada

The Nursery Stock Market
Brad Loader
6244 Old La Grange Road, Suite #18
Crestwood, KY 40014-7544
Fax: 503-357-7944
Email:  [email protected]
California, Idaho, Midwest, Northeast States,